Hello Members,
“Interchange rates, the fee paid by credit card processors to card issuing banks are being reduced again in December of this year. The good news is that merchants are supposed to receive the full benefit of the reductions, the bad news is that it is almost impossible for businesses to determine if they are. Many cold calls are being made offering to “make sure you get the reductions you are entitled to” be careful most of these are from Independent Sales Organizations many with poor reputations.
Please view the attached for more information!
Members of the GTBC who would like an independent analysis of their statements and rate reduction offers can contact SmallBizAssist at assessment@smallbizassist.ca “
Rick Smith
Cell/Hamilton: (905) 317 5560
Welland/St.Catharines: (905) 714 1487 (fax)
Niagara Falls (289) 271 8749
Toll Free: 1 800 946 2367
Hire an independent expert, SmallBizAssist