Every month the Niagara Board of Trade and Commerce hosts an event or two. From Business After Fives to Networking Luncheons or Lunch and Learns, there’s always something going on.

Host a Lunch and Learn

Our Lunch and Learn events are well attended and are a great way to educate our membership about the products and services you offer. It’s surprisingly easy to host one – the venue chosen does most of the work. They provide the lunch. You provide the learn. This is a great chance to network and let people know about your business.

Call John at 289-213-3293 to set one up today.

Host a Business After 5


If you’re looking for a fantastic way to showcase your company to your local business colleagues, consider hosting a Business After 5. You don’t have to be a large business to host one of these popular events. Join forces with other small companies and be joint hosts. It’s a great way to keep the costs down and benefit from the exposure these events can provide. Interested? Call John at 289-213-3293 to make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you, and have a great business day!

Jeanette DeRose
Niagara Centre Board of Trade & Commerce