Call for Nominations – 2023 Board of Directors It’s our pleasure to invite you to be a part of the Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce (NBOTAC) Board of Directors. Please see the information below that outlines your commitment.
Duties required of a director include but are not limited to the following:
● Attend Board Meetings (minimum 6 per year)
● Hold the position for a three-year term and are eligible for re-election for one subsequent term
● Be nominated by two fellow members in good standing
● Be a member in good standing of the organization
Would you like to sit at this table and represent the
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce?
If you have questions, please contact
Chair-Mark Kawabe at 289-241-3080
Please fill in the Nomination Form and return by email to or mail to PO Box 20011 Thorold ON L2V 5B3.
Deadline for submissions is October 11th, 2023.
Thank you, and have a great business day!
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce