Canal City Realty Ltd. Brokerage - NBOTAC Member Business Directory

Canal City Realty Ltd. Brokerage

Contact: Serge Carpino
Work 12 Regent St. Thorold Ontario L2V 1T1 Canada Work Phone: 905 227 5544 Website:


At CANAL CITY REALTY LTD, BROKERAGE they uphold an ongoing commitment to providing an elevated level of personal service. Their clients come first, and as a result, they are able to achieve more than they ever dreamed with their real estate investment.

Because they expect more from their associates, you can expect more from them when it comes to the important sale or purchase of your property. When it comes to your next move, they want you to experience the difference exceptional real estate service can make.

Contact them today, for free real estate advice, to find your nearest sales associate or to find your dream home!