Hello Jeanette,   Welcome to September! Each month we’ll highlight the important items you should be aware of for your membership with Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce. Watch for it usually, the first week of each month so you can plan ahead for our upcoming events and stay on top of Chamber features and much more!  We hope you find this new format useful! Enjoy!
In This Issue August Events recap September Events Golf Tournament IMPORTANT-AGM- Mark the Date Helpful Links Our Website Member Centre Events Contact Us
Welcome To Our New Members
Samantha R. Addario Barrister & Solicitor
What You Missed
Thank you to everyone that attended our 2024 Cornhole Social! Click HERE for some fun photos! Also as always thank you Andy Harris of LEV8 (Elevate) Low Level Aerial Photography for taking the great photos!! We hope all members had a great time and got to enjoy themselves. Can’t wait to see you at this month’s event and if you would like to host a B@5, contact us at info@nbotac.com.
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce is actively planning for 2025. We host a Lunch & Learn each month, the second Wednesday of each month and a Business After 5 the last week of the month. We are currently seeking applications for the two functions each month for the 2025 year. For maximum exposure, the sooner we have your commitment, the sooner we can get the word out to help promote you, your business and your event.  Please email jeanette@nbotac.com for availability of events and BOOK IT TODAY!
Upcoming Events
As September marks the return to business momentum, we’re excited to invite you to our upcoming Lunch & Learn event on September 11th at Noon at the Club Belvedere, located at 57John St, Thorold, ON L2V 2S9. Please RSVP to info@nbotac.com
Rectangle: Rounded Corners: I’ll Be There
NBOTAC Annual General & Special Meeting Announcement
& Call for Nominations to the Board.
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce is asking you to mark the date for our Annual General & Special Meeting to take place on September 25th,2024 at 6pm. More details will follow as to location, and specific information for this AGM & Special Meeting.

It is imperative for all full members in good standing be present for this meeting as there are several items to be voted on to adhere to the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporation Act.  We will send all details in the coming weeks.

NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.   It’s our pleasure to invite you to be a part of the Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce (NBOTAC) Board of Directors. Please see the information below that outlines your commitment.

Duties required of a director include but are not limited to the following:
● Attend Board Meetings  
● Hold the position for a three-year term and are eligible for re-election for one subsequent term
● Be nominated by two fellow members in good standing
● Be a member in good standing of the organization

Would you like to sit at this table and represent the
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce?

If you have questions, please contact
Chair-Mark Kawabe at 289-241-3080

Please fill in the Nomination Form and return by email to info@nbotac.com and cc: the board secretary debi@prowlcommunications.com or mail to PO Box 20011 Thorold ON L2V 5B3.  
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce.
For further details & sponsorship opportunities – click here
Mark the Date
September 11th: Lunch & Learn with PRowl Communications September 18th: Golf Tournament September 25th, 6pm-  NBOTAC Annual General & Special Meeting Announcement & Call for Nominations to the Board. Details TBA October 9th: WWICS Immigration Services October 30th: Thorold Library B@5 – Halloween theme November 4-7th: Niagara Chamber Partners Virtual Summit November 13th: Lunch & Learn with Langlois Safety November 27th- New Members Reception December 6th: Christmas Party December 11th: Lunch Networking & Social
Blood Donor Partner For Life. Visit Blood.ca  
Our Partner For Life is NIAG0092260 (please add this when donating blood or plasma.)   Please talk to Cam Johnson, Treasurer NBOTAC for more information.
Member to Member Discounts
Through the Niagara Board of Trade and Commerce Member to Member Discount Program your business will have the opportunity to offer other NBOTAC members a discount off of your business’s services or items.
Just another benefit to being a member! If you have not yet already submitted your NBOTAC member to member discount application form please click here.
Our Mandate
Our mandate is simple. Maintain and improve trade and commerce in Niagara Encourage good government and promote sound legislation at all levels of government To promote Niagara for the benefit of business and citizens in Niagara
Thank you, and have a great business day!

Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce

Email: info@nbotac.com
Visit our website: www.nbotac.com
Give us a call! 289-438-2546
Shop where you live. Love where you shop.

Send an e-blast to all members – contact us!
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Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce · PO Box 20011 · Thorold, Ontario L2V 5B3 · Canada
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