Please read the below from Toni Tosti of BTB Mortgage Solutions!
Is Debt Consolidation right for you?
The last 2 years has been a challenge for many Canadians and many Businesses. First it was covid and lock downs, now it’s inflation and high interest rates.
If you are living in debt – Debt consolidation may be a good option for you.
Debt consolidation means paying off smaller debts at a higher interest with a combined larger loan at a lower interest.
1) The lower monthly interest allows you to pay more towards your actual loan, getting you out of debt sooner.
2) You only make 1 monthly payment. This is more manageable then keeping track of multiple debt payments.
3) Your credit score remains untarnished because your higher interest loans such as credit cards are paid off.
So how do you know if debt consolidation is right for you? Call me for a free consultation.
With access to Banks, Credit Unions and Monoline Lenders – I’m happy to help you find a solution to save on interest charges and become debt free sooner.
Toni Tosti Mortgage Agent Lic. #12039P: 289-213-8547 M: mortgagesbytoni.caDominion Lending Centres BTB Mortgage Solutions1-4687 Queen St Niagara Falls, ON L2E Independently Owned & Operated |
Thank you, and have a great business day!
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