Please read the below from Toni Tosti of  BTB Mortgage Solutions!

Is Debt Consolidation right for you?

The last 2 years has been a challenge for many Canadians and many Businesses.  First it was covid and lock downs, now it’s inflation and high interest rates. 

If you are living in debt – Debt consolidation may be a good option for you.

Debt consolidation means paying off smaller debts at a higher interest with a combined larger loan at a lower interest.⁠

1) The lower monthly interest allows you to pay more towards your actual loan, getting you out of debt sooner.⁠

2) You only make 1 monthly payment.  This is more manageable then keeping track of multiple debt payments.⁠

3) Your credit score remains untarnished because your higher interest loans such as credit cards are paid off.⁠

So how do you know if debt consolidation is right for you? Call me for a free consultation.⁠
With access to Banks, Credit Unions and Monoline Lenders – I’m happy to help you find a solution to save on interest charges and become debt free sooner.
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Toni TostiToni Tosti
Mortgage Agent
Lic. #12039P: 289-213-8547
mortgagesbytoni.caDominion Lending Centres BTB Mortgage Solutions1-4687 Queen St
Niagara Falls, ON
Independently Owned & Operated 

Thank you, and have a great business day!

Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce