Please view the below message from Julie Stobbe of Mind over Clutter!
This message resonated with me. Who doesn’t need a little support at this time? I am paying it forward and here’s my message to you, If you’ve recently been laid off or furloughed, are you wondering how to network in a physically distanced world or have a question I might be able to answer, please get in touch with me.
– Can I brainstorm some ideas regarding your business?
– Can I provide you with some tools to network more effectively?
– Do you need a pick-me-up conversation?
Here’s how to reach me:
Julie Stobbe
Julie Stobbe B. Ed., Hons B. Sc.
Trained Professional Organizer
Lifestyle Organizer Coach
Mind over Clutter, Professional Organizing & Coaching Services
Cell – 905-321-1616