We are encouraging all to participate in the Niagara Governance survey via The Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce. Please read the below message from Executive Director Dolores Fabiano.


Good Morning all.  Hope you are all having a wonderful week so far.  We have put together a brief survey regarding Niagara’s governance review, that we will be sending out to our members tomorrow via survey monkey.  It’s really to inform the membership and to obtain some information as to outcomes.  We are not promoting one scenario over another.  I think it’s important for us to submit information to the province, and our submission will basically be the results of this survey.  Feel free to use the survey as well.  We are providing one week for members to complete and submit back to us as the deadline to get our info to the Province is April 23.    The Niagara Independent will be doing a story on this initiative on Friday, so if you plan to participate let me know asap so you can be included in the article.   As always thanks for the consideration! D

Thank you, and have a great business day!

Jeanette DeRose