Please read the below from NBOTAC Member! This highly community involved business is looking to team up with a not-for-profit or charitable organization! LOCALS HELPING LOCALS!
At , we believe we aren’t just here for ourselves, but want to make a difference in other’s lives. We donate 10% of our profit to programs that help differently-abled individuals live active lifestyles, such as the Power Cord Exercise Program. Spinal cord injury research is an issue that is near and dear to our hearts, so we actively look for programs to support it—but our giving doesn’t stop there.
We believe in LOCALS HELPING LOCALS and donate regularly via providing supplies or finances to various local endeavours.
We Give Where We Live
Are you a not-for-profit or charitable organization in Niagara looking to team up? Tell us about yourself and we’ll be in touch! Visit their website for more information
Thank you, and have a great business day!
Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce